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Unearthing a Titan: Ancient Giant Snake Discovered in India

UPSC News Editorial: Unearthing a Titan: Ancient Giant Snake Discovered in India


    • Ancient Giant Snake Discovery: Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee have discovered the fossilized remains of a colossal snake, named Vasuki Indicus, which is estimated to have lived approximately 47 million years ago1. The snake is believed to have been between 10 and 15 meters long.
    • Unique Lineage: Vasuki Indicus represents a distinct lineage specific to India, highlighting the diversity of snake evolution in the region.
    • Insights into Ancient Climates and Evolution: The discovery promises to enhance our understanding of how Madtsoiidae snakes adapted to different climatic conditions.
    • Significance of the Discovery: This groundbreaking find sheds light on the diversity and adaptations of these fascinating creatures in a bygone era.


What is the Editorial?


A Fossil Find from the Eocene Epoch Sheds Light on Snake Evolution


    • Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee have made a remarkable discovery: the fossilized remains of a colossal snake, potentially one of the largest ever to have existed.
    • Named Vasuki Indicus after the mythical serpent associated with Lord Shiva, this creature is estimated to have lived approximately 47 million years ago during the Middle Eocene epoch. Its fossilized vertebrae, unearthed in Kutch, Gujarat, suggest a length between 10 and 15 meters, comparable to a modern-day school bus.


A Unique Lineage from India


    • While belonging to the extinct Madtsoiidae snake family, Vasuki Indicus represents a distinct lineage specific to India, highlighting the diversity of snake evolution in the region. The discovery, detailed in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Scientific Reports, was led by Professor Sunil Bajpai and post-doctoral researcher Debajit Datta. The team meticulously analyzed 27 pieces of a “partial, well-preserved” vertebral column recovered from the Panandhro Lignite Mine.


A Window into Ancient Climates and Evolution


    • This discovery promises to enhance our understanding of how Madtsoiidae snakes adapted to different climatic conditions. The researchers suggest that the prevailing high temperatures of the tropical environment during the Eocene may have played a role in the evolution of such enormous body sizes.


A Glimpse into a Lost World


    • Vasuki Indicus existed in a dramatically different world, where continents like Africa, India, and South America formed a single, vast landmass. The snake is estimated to have possessed a cylindrical body, indicating a powerful and robust build. Notably, its size rivals that of Titanoboa, another colossal snake and the longest known to have ever existed.


Significance of the Discovery


    • Dr. Bajpai, in a statement released by IIT Roorkee, emphasized the significance of this discovery for comprehending not only ancient Indian ecosystems but also the evolutionary history of snakes in the subcontinent. This groundbreaking find sheds light on the diversity and adaptations of these fascinating creatures in a bygone era.



Mains Questions:

Question 1:

The recent discovery of the fossilized remains of Vasuki Indicus, a giant snake estimated to be 47 million years old, sheds light on the evolution of snakes in India. Discuss the significance of this discovery for our understanding of past ecosystems and snake evolution. (250 Words)


Model Answer:


The discovery of Vasuki Indicus, a colossal snake from the Middle Eocene epoch, holds immense significance for our understanding of past ecosystems and snake evolution.

Significance for Understanding Past Ecosystems:

    • Paleoenvironmental Clues: The size and morphology of Vasuki Indicus can provide insights into the prevailing climatic conditions during the Eocene. Its large size suggests a warm and possibly humid environment conducive to supporting such a giant reptile.
    • Food Web Dynamics: The presence of a giant predator like Vasuki Indicus indicates the existence of a diverse prey base in the Eocene ecosystem. Studying its fossils can help reconstruct the food web structure of that time period.

Significance for Understanding Snake Evolution:

    • Unique Lineage: Vasuki Indicus belonged to the extinct Madtsoiidae family but represents a lineage distinct to India. This discovery highlights the diversification of snakes in the Indian subcontinent.
    • Body Size Evolution: The sheer size of Vasuki Indicus raises questions about the factors influencing body size evolution in snakes. The prevailing warm climate might have played a role in enabling such enormous growth.
    • Comparative Anatomy: Studying the anatomy of Vasuki Indicus allows for comparisons with other giant snakes like Titanoboa, revealing potential evolutionary convergences or divergences in body plans and adaptations.

This discovery adds a crucial piece to the puzzle of snake evolution and past ecosystems. Further research on these fossils can shed light on the ecological pressures and adaptations that shaped snake diversity throughout history.

Question 2:

The unearthing of Vasuki Indicus emphasizes the importance of paleontological research in India. Discuss the challenges faced by paleontology in India and suggest measures to promote this field of study. (250 Words)


Model Answer:


The discovery of Vasuki Indicus underlines the importance of paleontological research in India, a country rich in fossil treasures. However, this field faces several challenges:

    • Limited Funding: Paleontological research often requires extensive fieldwork and sophisticated equipment, which can be financially constrained.
    • Lack of Trained Personnel: India needs more trained paleontologists to effectively excavate, analyze, and interpret fossil data.
    • Infrastructure Constraints: Proper infrastructure for storage, curation, and study of fossils is crucial, but such facilities may be limited in India.

Promoting Paleontology in India:

    • Increased Funding: Increased government and private investment in paleontology can support research projects and infrastructure development.
    • Educational Initiatives: Encouraging paleontology courses at universities and fostering interest in the field among young researchers can create a skilled workforce.
    • Collaboration: Collaboration between paleontologists, geologists, and museums can optimize resource utilization and knowledge sharing.

By addressing these challenges and promoting paleontological research, India can unlock a wealth of information about its prehistoric past and contribute significantly to our understanding of life on Earth.


Remember: These are just sample answers. It’s important to further research and refine your responses based on your own understanding and perspective. Read entire UPSC Current Affairs.

Relevance to the  UPSC Prelims and Mains syllabus under the following topics:


    • General Studies 1:Science and Technology: A basic understanding of paleontology, its methods, and its role in studying past life forms can be helpful in answering general science questions related to fossils and evolution.



    • General Studies Paper I (Indian Heritage and Culture): The discovery can be linked to discussions on India’s rich fossil heritage and the importance of preserving such findings for understanding our geological and biological past.
    • General Studies Paper III (Technology, Economic Development, Security and Disaster Management): You could discuss the challenges faced by paleontological research in India (lack of funding, infrastructure, etc.) and suggest measures to promote this field for a better understanding of our environment and evolutionary history.
    • General Studies Paper IV (Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude): The ethical responsibility of preserving and utilizing paleontological discoveries for scientific advancement and public education can be analyzed here.

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