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21st September 2019


Topic:- Polity


News:-HC bids farewell to Chief Justice V Ramasubramanian.


Context: -A full-court address was held today in the high court to bid farewell to Chief Justice V Ramasubramanian on his elevation as Judge of the Supreme Court.


How is a Supreme Court judge selected?


The process behind elevation to India’s highest judiciary.


1) Eligibility to become a Supreme Court judge

  • To become a judge of the Supreme court, an individual should be an Indian citizen. The norms relating to the eligibility has been envisaged in Article 124 of the Indian Constitution. In terms of age, a person should not exceed 65 years of age. The article further laid out that to become elevated as a judge of the top court, a person should serve as a judge of one high court or more (continuously), for at least five years or the person should be an advocate in the High court or the Supreme court for at least 10 years or a distinguished jurist.


2) Election procedure of other judges in SC

  • The selection of the other judges in the top court comes when there is any vacancy. If a judge is about to retire or retires, then the CJI initiates the proposal and sends the recommendation to the Ministry of Law, Justice and Company affairs to fill up the seat. The recommendation of the Chief Justice of India (CJI) for the appointment of a Judge of the Apex Court should be formed in consultation with a collegium of the four seniormost judges of the Supreme Court. After acknowledging the views of the four judges, the CJI sends the proposal for appointment to the Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs, which forwards it to the Prime Minister who further moves the proposal to the President of India for the final approval. After the assent of the President, the Secretary to the Department of Justice is set to announce the appointment and issue the circular in the Gazette of India.


3) Role and composition of the collegium

  • The of the Supreme Court collegium consists of the four senior-most judges and the Chief Justice. The collegium of the five judges is responsible for a major role in the Indian judiciary which includes the appointment and transfer of the judges of the High Court and the appointment of the Supreme Court judges.
(Source:- The Tribune & Financial Express)





Question 1:- Which article deals with the eligibility of Supreme Court Judges?

  1. Article 120
  2. Article 124
  3. Article 127
  4. Article 130






  • Q1:- 3