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History(Available both in English & हिंदी Language).

Indian constitution have meticulously defined powers and functions of the different organs of the state. Legislature, executive and judiciary have to function within their own spheres demarcated under the constitution. Unlike the US constitution, instead of having strict separation of power India follows the principle of ‘checks and balance’ which is evident from the various constitutional provisions dealing with executive, legislative and judicial organs.


Indian constitution have meticulously defined powers and functions of the different organs of the state. Legislature, executive and judiciary have to function within their own spheres demarcated under the constitution.

The Harappan Culture: A Thriving Bronze Age Civilization

BRIEF NOTES   This Chapter inspired from NCERT (History) , offers a detailed analysis of the key points Harappan culture, one of the earliest urban civilizations in the Indus Valley region. The Indus Valley civilization is also known as the Harappan civilization because the first city of the civilization to be discovered was Harappa. The […]

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Topic: World War II

What was World War II?   What was World War II? World War II was the largest and bloodiest conflict in history, involving over 30 countries. The conflict was sparked by the Nazi invasion of Poland in 1939 and lasted six terrible years until the Allies destroyed the Axis powers of Nazi Germany, Japan, and […]

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History is one of the most fascinating and influential fields of study. It’s not merely a narration of the events of the past but a constant search for answers. It’s a re-examination of our human experience and understanding how far we have come. History is shining light into the past that allows us to reinterpret […]

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