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How were the Himalayas formed?

The Formation of the Himalayas:



    • The Himalayas are one of the most famous and beautiful mountain ranges in the world. They cover more than 2,400 kilometers in Asia.
    • They are also one of the newest mountain ranges, having only been made a few million years ago.


How the Himalayas Came to Be:

    • Scientists are still not sure how the Himalayas were formed because it was a very complicated process. Geologists have come up with a number of ideas, though, about how these rocks formed. The idea of plate tectonics is one of the most popular ones.
    • This idea says that the base of the Earth is made up of tectonic plates that move all the time. One plate can be pushed under the other when two plates hit each other. This is called subduction. The rock below melts, and molten rock rises to the top, where it can form mountain ranges and volcanoes.
    • The Indian Plate is moving under the Eurasian Plate, which is what the Himalayas are doing. The Himalayas are made up of molten rock that rises to the top from the plate that is subducting and cools. The Indian Plate is still moving north and colliding with the Eurasian Plate, which is making the Himalayas grow.


To show how plate tectonics works and how the Himalayas were formed, here’s an example:

    • Think about a pizza base that has been split in half. Two pieces are there: one is the Indian Plate and the other is the Eurasian Plate.
    • Imagine that you are pushing the Indian Plate toward the north. The Indian Plate will be pushed under the Eurasian Plate when the two plates hit each other.
    • The subducting plate’s molten rock will rise to the top and cool, making a mountain range.
    • This is pretty much how the Himalayas were made. There is a plate moving under the Eurasian Plate called the Indian Plate. The Himalayan mountain range is being formed by molten rock rising to the top and cooling.


Why is the Indian Plate going under the Eurasian Plate?

    • Since the Indian Plate is heavier than the Eurasian Plate, it is moving under the Eurasian Plate. When two tectonic plates hit each other, the heavier plate will usually move below the less dense plate. The thicker plate has more gravity, which makes it easier for it to sink below the the less dense plate.
    • The Indian Plate is heavier than the Eurasian Plate since it is older and has thickened and cooled over time. That being said, the Eurasian Plate is smaller and not as thick. The Indian Plate moves under the Eurasian Plate because of this difference in mass.
    • Mountains in the Himalayas were formed when the Indian Plate slid under the Eurasian Plate. When the Indian Plate melts, it sends molten rock to the top, where it cools and forms new crust. When the Indian Plate goes under, it pushes this new crust up, making the Himalayas.


And if there is subduction in the Himalayas, then why is there no volcanism?


    • The Indian Plate is not pushed deep enough under the Eurasian Plate for the material that is pushed under to melt and make magma.
    • The two plates are not able to subduct very far under each other because their densities are the same.
    • When an oceanic plate hits a continental plate, the oceanic plate easily subducts because it is denser than the continental plate. The oceanic material that is pushed underground melts and turns into magma. The magma rises to the top and erupts as lava. The Andes Mountains are made when the Nazca Plate moves under the South American Plate. This is why there are so many volcanoes there.


Here is a list of the most important points:

    • The Himalayas were made when the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate crashed into each other.
    • Because continental plates are made of thick, heavy rock, when they crash into each other, they don’t easily sink into the ground.
    • The Indian Plate is not pushed deep enough under the Eurasian Plate in the Himalayas for the material that is pushed under to melt and make magma.
    • This is the reason the Himalayas don’t have any volcanoes.


The Structure of the Himalayas:

The three main mountain ranges in the Himalayas are the Siwalik Hills, the Greater Himalayas, and the Lesser Himalayas.

    • The Greater Himalayas are the highest and roughest area. They are home to some of the world’s biggest mountains, like K2 and Mount Everest.
    • The Lesser Himalayas are not as high or rough as the Greater Himalayas. They have a lot of valleys and hill towns.
    • The Siwalik Hills are the lowest and gentlest part of the Himalayas. They are made up of rocks that were formed gradually over time.


The Importance of the Himalayas:

    • In Asia, the Himalayas are very important to the weather and the landforms. As a wall, they separate the Indian subcontinent from the rest of Asia. Indian society and environment are very different because of this. The Himalayas also have a big impact on the weather in this area.
    • The mountains keep the cold winds from Central Asia out and keep the summer rains in, which are very important for India’s farming.


Do you know that the Himalayas are also known as the Young Fold Mountains?


    • Himalayas called as “young fold mountains” because they were only made about 50 million years ago. Old fold mountains, on the other hand, like the Appalachians in North America, were made more than 300 million years ago.


Here are some of the characteristics of young fold mountains:

    • A lot of steep slopes and high peaks: Most young fold mountains are steep and have high tops. That’s because the rocks in these mountains are still being pushed and pulled together.
    • Activity related to earthquakes: Young fold mountains are often seismically active, which means they are likely to have earthquakes. This is because the rocks in these mountains are still shifting and changing.
    • Many different types of rocks and minerals: Young fold mountains often have many different types of rocks and minerals, such as sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. This is because the rocks in these mountains have been through many different types of geological changes, including bending, faulting, and metamorphism.
    • Mountains in the Young Fold range are often home to a lot of different kinds of plants and animals. This is because these mountains have a lot of different ecosystems that are home to many different species.


  • The Himalayas are a great example of a mountain range that is still young. They are steep and have big tops, like the world’s tallest mountain, Mount Everest. Along with being home to many different kinds of plants and animals, the Himalayas are also a place where earthquakes happen often.


What are Fold Mountains?


    • There are large fold-like structures on the earth’s crust that are made when tectonic plates press together. These are called Fold Mountains.
    • Fold mountains are formed when two tectonic plates collide at a convergent plate boundary. The pressure and heat from the collision cause the rocks to fold and wrinkle, like a carpet being pushed against a wall. The folded rocks are then pushed upwards, forming mountains.
    • Fold Mountains usually look like mountain ranges, and most of the world’s famous mountain ranges are actual Fold Mountains.


How fold mountains are formed?

  • Fold mountains are made when two continental tectonic plates move toward each other and crash into each other at the damaging plate boundary, which is also called the convergent boundary. This causes mountain ranges to form. The rocks put so much pressure on the earth’s crust that it bends and folds in ways that look like folds in fabric, but on a huge scale. Greater folding happens in places where the top has a thin layer, like where salt is found.


Types of fold mountains:

    • Different types of Fold Mountains can be told apart by a number of benchmarks.
    • Different types of fold mountains are based on their age. Young fold mountains are between 10 and 15 million years old, and old fold mountains are 200 million years old or more.
    • Mountains’ geography: Mountains can be either simple fold mountains or complicated fold mountains. In simple fold mountains, the synclines and anticlines are well developed, giving the mountains a wave-like look. Mountain ranges with complex folds have a very complicated structure called the nappe that is formed by compression forces.


A few examples of fold mountains:

    • Fold Mountains can be found all over the world, and they make up most of the world’s biggest peaks. The Himalayas in Asia are the most famous mountain range in the world. They are an example of a fold mountain. There are mountain ranges with many peaks that are more than 23,000 feet above sea level. Mount Everest is the biggest mountain in these ranges. A very long time ago, the Eurasian tectonic plate and the Indian tectonic plate crashed into each other, making the Himalayas. Geologists say that the Himalayas are “young fold mountains” because they are less than 15 million years old.
    • The Andes Mountains in South America are another type of Fold Mountains. The Andes are a mountain range that is about 4,300 miles long and 430 miles wide at its widest point. The Andes have a big gap between their length and width, which is a feature of all fold mountains. There were tectonic forces between the South American tectonic plate, the Nazca tectonic plate, and the Antarctic tectonic plate that made the Andes.
    • The Alps are a mountain range in Europe that form a wall between the Mediterranean and the rest of Europe. The Alps were made when the African Plate crushed against the
    • There is a mountain range in North America called the Rocky Mountains. It goes from Canada to Mexico. Two plates, the North American Plate and the Pacific Plate, crashed into each other and made the Rocky Mountains.
    • These are the Appalachian Mountains. They are a mountain range in North America that goes from Canada to Alabama. There are fold mountains on this list that are younger than the Appalachians. These mountains have been worn down over time.




Which of the following is the most widely accepted theory for the formation of the Himalayas?

(a) Plate tectonics theory
(b) Continental drift theory
(c) Isostasy theory
(d) None of the above

Answer: (a)


Mains Question:


Discuss the importance of the Himalayas in the context of the climate and geography of Asia.


Model Answer:

  • In Asia, the Himalayas are very important to the weather and the landforms. As a wall, they separate the Indian subcontinent from the rest of Asia. Indian society and environment are very different because of this. The Himalayas also have a big impact on the weather in this area. The mountains keep the cold winds from Central Asia out and keep the summer rains in, which are very important for India’s farming.

In conclusion:

  • One of the most interesting and important mountain areas in the world is the Himalayas. Scientists still don’t fully understand how they form because it’s a complicated process. But the Himalayas are very important to Asia’s climate and geography, and they have some of the world’s most beautiful and varied scenery.


Question 2:

Critically examine the statement: “The Himalayas are the lifeline of India.”


Model Answer:

The Himalayas are very important to India’s business, environment, and culture, so they are sometimes called the “lifeline of the country.”

  • The economy:
    • Several important rivers, like the Ganges, Indus, and Brahmaputra, start in the Himalayas. People use the water from these rivers to water their gardens, drink, and make electricity. Minerals like limestone, dolomite, and iron ore can also be found in the Himalayas.


  • The environment:
    • The Himalayas are very important for keeping India’s weather stable. The mountains keep the cold weather from Central Asia out and keep the monsoon rains in, which are very important for farming in India. A lot of different plants and animals live in the Himalayas, including many rare and threatened species.


  • The culture:
    • Indian society has been shaped by the Himalayas in big ways. A lot of important Hindu and Buddhist places are in the mountains. A lot of Indian artists, writers, and authors have also been moved by the Himalayas.
    • The Himalayas are important to India’s culture, economy, and the environment, but they are also important in many other ways. As an example, the mountains are a famous place for tourists to visit, and they also give jobs and a way of life to millions of people.


A Close Look at It:

  • Although the Himalayas are a big part of India, it’s important to remember that they’re not the only thing that makes the country rich. India also has a lot of other natural resources, like rich land and a lot of rain. In addition, India’s economy is big and growing, so it’s not just based on the Himalayas.
  • In spite of this, the Himalayas are very important to India’s way of life. The mountains give the country things like water, energy, minerals, and more that are important for its economic growth. It is also important to note that the Himalayas help keep India’s environment stable and protect its wildlife. For millions of Indians, the Himalayas are also a source of cultural influence and spiritual comfort.


In conclusion:

  • India’s economy, environment, and society all depend on the Himalayas, so they are like the country’s lifeline. India has many other natural resources and its economy is growing, but the Himalayas give the country many unique and important goods and services.

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